What are the four pillars of Montessori?

Montessori's Four Pillars The four pillars of Montessori education are:

Practical Life: Practical life activities are essential components of the Montessori method. These activities are designed to help children develop their independence, concentration, and coordination, and include tasks like pouring, sweeping, and washing dishes.
Sensorial: The sensorial aspect of Montessori education focuses on helping children develop their five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Sensorial materials are designed to refine children's perceptions, and help them categorize, compare, and contrast different objects.
Language: Language is an essential part of Montessori education, and the method emphasizes the importance of spoken language and developing vocabulary. Children are also taught to read and write using a phonetic approach, which helps them understand the relationship between sounds and letters.
Mathematics: Montessori mathematics materials are designed to help children develop an understanding of mathematical concepts through concrete, hands-on experiences. Children are taught to count, identify numbers, and perform basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
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